Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Enrolling into classes with us means agreeing to, and complying with our Terms. Please read carefully.


  • Classes are charged on a term time basis usually a 6-7 week block. Fees are non-refundable for any absences unless exceptional circumstances previously agreed by En Pointe School of Dancing.
  • We reserve the right to review, amend, replace or alter any classes.
  • We reserve the right to remove any students from a class we feel they are not suitable for.
  • Classes are drop off only, exceptions will be made for medical reasons only, and must be agreed beforehand.
  • All fees must be payed before students attend the class. Failure to receive payment will result in your child not being able to participate in the class.
  • The Playhouse holds 3 productions a year (January/February, May, October) so unfortunately we cant hold classes in this venue on those dates. We will however try to find alternative venues for these weeks, but classes may be cancelled if unable to do so.

Student Conduct

  • For Health and Safety reasons students are required to attend classes with their hair tied up neatly and the correct uniform/clean clothing suitable for dance.
  • Absolutely NO eating or chewing gum allowed in class.
  • Please ensure that your child uses the toilet before starting the class.
  • Occasionally tactile instruction is required to correct or demonstrate correct technique, alignment, posture or supporting/spotting in Acrobatic Arts skills. If there is any reason you or your child does not agree to this, please inform En Pointe School of Dancing before starting classes. Before using tactile support teachers will ask permission from students.


  • We will not tolerate bullying, aggressive behaviour, discrimination, disrespect or antisocial behaviour from students, parents or carers.
  • En Pointe School of Dancing reserves the right to suspend or expel any student/carer who persist in this kind of behaviour. Refund will not be offered.

First Aid

  • En Pointe School of Dancing are first aid trained and a first aid kit is available at all times.
  • Teachers are not responsible for administrating any medication that a student may require. Except if the student requires an EpiPen. (Miss Honey is EpiPen trained and has attended allergy awareness courses)
  • All medical conditions such as Heart conditions, Asthma, Allergies etc or anything that will affect the students ability to dance needs to be disclosed to En Pointe School of Dancing on enrolment.

Social Media

  • We may take pictures/videos of students to show progress, achievements and promotion purposes. However we are also aware that such images can be used for criminal activity by predators. Therefore we shall endeavour to limit personal information showed about the child (eg tagging accounts, showing names etc)
  • En Pointe School of Dancing will not show images of children in revealing or comprimising dance positions as these images can be altered and used by criminals/predators.

Competitions and Exams

  • Exams and Competitions require extra tuition in order to be fully prepared. This is a requirement upon entering any competition or exam. This is non negotiable and failure to attend all practises may result in being excluded from the exam/competition and entry fee will be lost.
  • Exams/Competitions will require extra costs of practises, costumes/uniform/shoes and entry fees these are unavoidable costs and need to be considered before agreeing to your child entering competitions/exams.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any students entry for exams/competitions if En Pointe School of Dancing feel the student insufficiently capable/prepared of performing to the desired standard.

Parental responsibilities

  • Parents are responsible for ensuring students are fit and healthy to attend classes. DO NOT SEND YOUR CHILD TO CLASSES WITH AN ILLNESSES/ INJURY THAT CAN AFFECT ATHEIR ABILITY TO DANCE.
  • Any injuries affecting your child's ability to dance must be reported to En Pointe School of Dancing before the class.
  • Parents are responsible for ensuring...
  1. Children arrive on time
  2. Are suitably dressed and clean
  3. Hair is neatly tied up
  4. Children are fit and healthy for dance
  5. Are not chewing gum or eating
  6. Bring a drink of water to class especially during hot weather

  • Parents should collect students promptly after class finishes.

Personal property

  • En Pointe accept no responsibility and cannot be held accountable for any personal property that is damaged or lost during classes.